Monday 10 July 2017

Transgender And Transsexual Activism

All human beings are different. Nobody was created equal – even twins. And as such, misunderstandings happen. Confusion adds up because of the fact that we come from different nations and speak different languages. Personal preferences also play a role in making the world more diverse than it already is.

There’s a saying that “Men are from Venus and Women are from Mars”. It is right on point. Men and women see things differently and may be poles apart but still can’t live without each other.

Then, there is also this confusion among gender roles in both sexes. Men would say they are a woman trapped inside a man’s body and vice-versa. Confusing more than ever, right? Transgenders and transsexuals are growing in numbers. Unfortunately, the World Health Organization considers it as a mental illness.

According to the World Health Organization, being transgender is a mental illness.

But that could soon change, as WHO prepares a new edition of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD), its global codebook that influences national disease diagnostic manuals worldwide. The current version, ICD-10, has been around since 1990 and ICD-11 is expected to be approved in 2018.

The proposals to declassify transgender identity as a mental disorder have been approved by each committee that has considered it so far. A study published this week in the Lancet Psychiatry journal, offers up new evidence supporting the change.

A condition is designated as a mental illness when the very fact that you have it causes distress and dysfunction, said Geoffrey Reed, a professor of psychology at the National Autonomous University of Mexico, a consultant on the ICD-11, and co-author of the study told the Washington Post. The study argues that this isn't the case with transgender identity.


But thankfully, some changes may soon take place after arguments of its nature not being a distress or a dysfunction come to light as of late – which can ultimately promote acceptance and less hate. A lot of activists fight for this cause to enjoy equal treatment from everybody and not be considered as social outcasts.

Transgenders and transsexuals are not sexual deviants. But the more we treat them like that, the deeper and lasting the stigma becomes making it impossible for them to lead normal lives. Hence, they rebel against the system and fight for their rights – even the right to use public bathrooms.

In other words, it is the advocates of transgender access to bathrooms and showers who, under the guise of their nondiscrimination rhetoric, are in fact seeking to discriminate on the basis of — in favor of — gender identity. That’s exactly what a policy of making gender identity override biological sex entails: It makes gender identity determine which restrooms and showers a person is allowed to use, just as a policy of race-segregated restrooms and showers makes race determine which facilities a person is allowed to use. (I am of course not asserting that racial discrimination and discrimination in favor of gender identity are moral equivalents.) The unsound proposition that separate facilities assigned by biological sex involves discrimination on the basis of gender identity collapses into incoherence. If a boy who identifies as female has a right under Title IX to use the girls’ restrooms and showers, then it would clearly be discrimination on the basis of gender identity to bar a boy who identifies as male from also using them. After all, the difference between these two biological males is that they have different gender identities. How could one of the males be allowed to use the girls’ facilities and the other be barred from doing so if Title IX bars discrimination on the basis of gender identity? In short, contrary to everyone’s (including the Obama administration’s) understanding of Title IX, the transgender illogic would disallow any system of single-sex facilities to survive.


Respect begets respect. And as long as we do not respect our individual differences, conflicts will persist and activism for various causes will continue.

The National Geographic staff chose a cover story of nine-year-old-boy who says he’s a girl for the January 2017 special issue, entitled “Gender Revolution.” Transgenderism is today’s popular social delusion which, contrary to the publicity surrounding it, affects a miniscule portion of the population.

Young Avery Jackson, whether deliberately or not, is an LGBTQ activist whose image is being used to promote transgender politics and raise money for a transgender house in Kansas. Now National Geographic is participating in the activism by spreading the progressive ideology of fluid genders and providing an easy rallying point for future LGBTQ fundraising campaigns.

The activists’ theory of gender fluidity, or gender spectrum, suggests that God-designated genders of male and female indicated by biology is too limiting. Their theory separates gender from sex and says that gender is determined by how people feel or think, not by the objective evidence of body parts, chromosomes, and other distinct biological markers.


Baby steps like this cover on the National Geographic pave the way for a more promising future for those who do not feel comfortable with the sex they were born with. Love more, hate less. Understanding and tolerance are the least we can afford them who are constantly ridiculed because of their identity.

The following blog post Transgender And Transsexual Activism is republished from


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